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 The Benefits of Lion Country
Livingston ISD 
provides a competitive benefits package to employees that are comparable to or better than our peer districts. We maintain a level of competitive salaries to our neighboring districts and provide study manuals for TExES content area and PPR exams for any Livingston ISD Teacher. We also offer a wide array of opportunities for professional development to novice and veteran teachers. In Livingston ISD you will find increased opportunities for professional and personal development through a partnership with area colleges and universities to develop a master of education and doctoral programs for professional staff members. Our district continues to improve the district's ability to provide an ethnically and racially diverse staff.

Vision Card is available here.


 Professional Growth 
Livingston ISD offers its teachers a comprehensive array of professional growth opportunities based on student needs as identified in each campus plan.

Staff development opportunities, including instructional growth, classroom management training, seasonal seminars, and numerous other approaches address the latest teaching and learning strategies. 

Additionally, beginning teachers have the benefit of experienced, trained mentors who provide support throughout the year. A thorough orientation and a continuing menu of staff development opportunities for beginning teachers and teachers new to the district have been enthusiastically endorsed by these groups. LISD also involves all new teachers in our Teacher Academy program.


The district provides state health insurance provided through TRS Active-Care. LISD contributes $225.00 per month toward qualified employee's health coverage. Optional Insurance Plans - several types of individual insurance programs are available to employees, including dental, vision, disability, and cancer. Life insurance - LISD provides employees with a $10,000 life and accident dismemberment insurance policy at no cost.

 Leave Days 
Employees receive 7 leave days per year (2 provided by LISD and 5 by State). Employees receive pay for any unused LISD days at the end of the year. 30 days extended sick leave for professional employees.


 Shared Decision Making
Teachers are an important part of the decision-making process in the district as trustees, staff, and citizens work together to improve the educational program. Operating with the philosophy that the critical component of district operations is what goes on in the classroom, teachers are given wide latitude to develop and implement programs and instructional strategies that meet the needs of their students.

Faculty meetings, cluster meetings, and campus building leadership teams at each school keep lines of communication open between school administration and teachers ensuring that teachers have a voice in decisions. As the district continues the process of implementing site-based, shared decision making, these school leadership teams are assuming increased responsibility for making decisions about campus budgets, staff development activities, and school improvement plans to meet the needs of students.

A District Advisory Committee, which consists of teachers from each of the district's 6 schools, meets with the Superintendent twice a year to discuss issues and concerns and take information back to schools.

In addition, teachers play an active role in curriculum-writing and textbook committees, strategic planning and shared decision-making committees, teacher recognition committees, personnel committees, and many others.